Dear Friend,
Welcome to High River Baptist Church. We are excited that you are considering joining the membership of our church, as it represents much more to us than simply another name on a list. As members of HRBC we strive to embody what God intended His church to be, as described in His Word. We are the bride of Christ, eager to be sanctified by Him and presented as holy and blameless before Him (Ephesians 5:25-27); we are the body of Christ, endeavouring to accomplish His will in the ministry of reconciliation which He has bestowed on us (2 Corinthians 5:17-21); we are salt and light in this world, to bring glory to the Father (Matthew 5:13-16); and we are the family of God, brothers and sisters united in Christ, to strengthen and encourage one another forward in our faith (Ephesians 2:19-21, Hebrews 10:24-25).
Here, at HRBC, we want Jesus Christ to be central to all that we are and all that we do. We invite you to explore the information about our church found on this site and encourage you to make an appointment to meet with one of our elders/pastors to gain a clear understanding of our vision, our beliefs, and our commitment to one another. Your consideration of this matter is not something to be looked at lightly, as we are asking you to commit to striving eagerly and fervently after Christ with us, unified in the pursuit of knowing His Word, growing in holiness, proclaiming the Gospel, and ultimately bringing glory to the Father. As we ask this of you, we ourselves commit these things to you. Be both challenged by what this covenant with one another means for you, as well as encouraged by what it means to you.
I can assure you of this, you will be loved. We know that we are not perfect, but as Christ has loved us, so we also strive to love one another (John 13:34). Our prayer is that the Holy Spirit will guide you through His Word and through prayer as you seek His will in your search for a church home. May you know the blessed peace of walking where He leads you to go.
Love in Christ,
Pastor Scott Fisk