Welcome to the Children’s Ministry of HRBC!
The goal of our Children’s Ministry program is to grow children up in the LORD, through teaching from the Scriptures, God’s Word. It is our desire that children are able to learn of God’s great love for them, and their great need for Him. We hope to teach each child at their level of learning, and we believe that through this ministry, families and parents will be encouraged in the LORD!
May God’s love transform the lives of the children and families apart of HRBC, as they grow in Christ. God sent His one and only Son to die for us, because He loves us, because He wants us to know Him, to love Him, and to follow Him. It’s the Good News of the Gospel! Christ came to give us life, Christ’s life! Because He desires relationship with us!
You will find that each program within our Children’s Ministry is designed for just that – to grow our children up to know their Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ, through Scripture memorization, Bible stories, worship times, crafts and activities, and interactions with their leaders and teachers, who are followers of Christ themselves!
May this Ministry be an out-pouring of the lives our leaders live as children of God: dependent, humble, and obedient to our Saviour, so that Christ’s life clearly shines through us. That we may we teach our children the Good News of Redemption, the Gospel of Jesus Christ, clearly and accurately!
And, may the result be children who fall in love with the Word, with Jesus Christ, and who choose to follow Him!
To find a description of the different children’s ministries offered at HRBC please click on the tabs to the left. Please contact the Children’s Ministry Director with any questions you may have, or how you can become involved in this exciting Ministry! We’d love to hear from you!
For questions please contact our Children’s Ministry department at: childrensministry@hrbaptist.ca
Church Nursery & Toddler Care Ages 1-2 years
Kings Kids Ages 3-5 years
Junior Church Grades 1-3
AWANA Clubs Age 3 - Grade 6
If you are interested in registering your child(ren) for any of these ministries starting up in September, please complete the registration form from the link below:
Email it to the church office at office@hrbaptist.ca or drop it off at the office during the week.